Eagle, Alaska
So where do you go for small town living, far from most of the outside world, nice and helpful people, and well socialized/friendly kids. Eagle, Alaska would meet all these requirements. The “outdoors” is outside your door and everyone knows everyone. We’re here in late May when everything is green, lush, and warm enough for short sleeves but the mosquitoes aren’t too bad yet. The temperature ranges from a high of about 90 degrees F. in the summer to a low of about -60 degrees F. in the winter.
Unless home schooled, the kids of all ages attend the same school   The local library has free Wi-fi for all to use and there’s a lot of history in this neck of the woods   Historic Fort Egbert is adjacent to Eagle campground and is interesting. The town used to have a fairly good tourist industry to add to the town coffers but fires, floods and a washed out access road put an end to that for now.

Tire troubles–
Late yesterday, Jerry noticed that one of our inside dualies on the Lazy Daze was flat. He thought it was the valve stem leaking air. This tire has been checked and worked on repeatedly but the leaky valve stem apparently didn’t go away. Jerry worked on it last night and today and it was looking good. One more turn to tighten the valve stem so it didn’t leak and pshhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! The valve stem broke off. The folks in the town suggested we go to Eagle Trading Co. to have the tire dealt with and get a new valve stem. It was necessary to take the outside and inside dualies off to get to the inside dualy’s valve stem. About an hour later…done! That was very nice of them to fit us in and work on the problem immediately. This was money well spent. There’s no emergency road service in Eagle, Alaska. We’ll stay the night here and make sure we have a functioning tire before we brave the Taylor Highway. The thought of changing a flat on that narrow mountain road sounds most unappealing.

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